Best Paper from a student/resident/fellow
Canadian Spine Society, 21st Annual Meeting (Virtual), February 2021.
Samantha Rogers, Neil Manson, Erin Bigney, Amanda Vandewint, Eden Richardson, Dana El-Mughayyar, Rory McPhee, Edward Abraham. Impact of Undergoing Thoracolumbar Spine Surgery on Patient Mental Health.
Charlie Kuntz Scholar Award
AANS/CNS Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves, Spine Summit. March 2020, Las Vegas, Nevada
Oliver G. S. Ayling, Tamir Ailon. Comparison of a universal and multitiered healthcare system for patients undergoing surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis
Charlie Kuntz Scholar Award for an outstanding abstract
AANS/CNS Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves, Spine Summit. March 14-16, 2019, Miami Beach, Florida.
Effect of peri-operative adverse events on long-term patient reported outcomes after lumbar spine surgery.
Top poster
CNS Spine Section. October 2018, Houston Texas.
Oliver G. S. Ayling, Tamir Ailon, Greg McIntosh, Alex Soroceanu, Hamilton Hall, Andrew Nataraj, Christopher S. Bailey, Sean Christie, Alexandra Stratton, Henry Ahn, Michael Johnson, Jerome Paquet, Kenneth Thomas, Neil Manson, Y. Raja Rampersaud, Charles G. Fisher. Clinical outcomes research in spine surgery: What are appropriate follow-up times?
Best Paper
NASS 2018
Sherya Sriniva, Jerome Paquet, Chris Bailey, Andrew Nataraj, Alexandra Stratton, Michael Johnson, Paul Salo, Sean Christie, Charles Fisher C, Hamilton Hall, Neil Manson, Y Raja Rampersaud, Kenneth Thomas, Greg McIntosh, Nicolas Dea. Effect of spinal decompression on back pain in lumbar spinal stenosis: a Canadian Spine Outcomes Research Network (CSORN) study
Residents Best Paper Award
Canadian Spine Society, 20th Annual Meeting, February 26-29, 2020, Whistler, BC.
Oliver G. S. Ayling, Tamir Ailon, Charles Fisher.
Comparison of a universal and multitiered healthcare system for patients undergoing surgery for lumbar disc herniation.
Best Paper
NASS 2020
S. Mohammed Karim, W. Bradley Jacobs, Jeffrey R. Wilson, Brian K. Kwon, David W. Cadotte, Michael G. Johnson, Jérôme Paquet, Christopher S. Bailey, Sean Christie, Andrew Nataraj, Najmedden Attabib, Philippe Phan, Greg McIntosh, Hamilton Hall, Y. Raja Rampersaud, Neil Manson, Kenneth C. Thomas, Charles G. Fisher, Nicolas Dea, on behalf of the Canadian Spine Outcomes and Research Network (CSORN). Effectiveness of Surgical Decompression in Patients with Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy:
Results of the Canadian Prospective Multi-Center Study
Best Paper
33rd Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society (NASS), September 26-29, 2018, Los Angeles, USA
Effect of spinal decompression on back pain in lumbar spinal stenosis
Debbie Scarlett Award for Best Overall Paper
Canadian Spine Society, 18th Annual Meeting, February 28-March 1, 2018, Banff, AB.
Manson N, Ellis K, Bigney E, Richardson E, Abraham E. Pre-operative psychological factors significantly add to the predictability of chronic narcotic use: A 2 year Prospective Study.
Best Poster
Canadian Spine Society, 16th Annual Meeting, February 24-27, 2016, Whistler, BC
Daly E, Manson NA, Bigney E, Wagg K, Abraham EP. Improved Data Capture and Quality Following Implementation of Standard Operating Procedures for a Single Site in the Canadian Spine Outcomes Research Network Database.